Moving gigabytes, terabytes and even petabytes of data have become a matter of routine for organizations across all industries. And the ability to transmit these vast amounts of data, particularly over global distances, requires a secure, high-speed data transmission infrastructure.
Securely transmitting data has become even more critical in recent years due to the wide range of cyber threats targeting all industries. Malicious actors continually seek to exploit the vulnerabilities of IT systems, using all forms of attack, such as malware, denial-of-service attacks or spam, to name a few. Ransomware, in particular, is on the rise. Most recently, for example, the IT system servers of one of the largest meat manufacturers in the world were targeted by an organized cyberattack. These persistent dangers reinforce the principle that a comprehensive, multilayered IT security system that includes solutions that protect data at every turn is a must for every organization.
Data transmission in a very rapidly developing digital age require solutions that enables high transmission speeds and that helps secure the data from known and emerging threats.
However, as the requirements for processing speeds and network capacity continue to evolve, many organizations are unable to efficiently meet their current high-speed data transmitting demands and do securely using conventional network protocols. Additional factors, such as the wide range of devices used in IT, OT, IoT and IIoT can complicate the matter even more.
One of the most commonly used communication protocol suites in use right now is the TCP/IP suite. In fact, it is omnipresent, serving as a fundamental component of most devices. It allows almost any computer network to communicate directly with another network anywhere in the world regardless of software, hardware or core computer language used by the systems.
While it has undergone a number of enhancements, the core of the protocol suite has not changed. In fact, the current version of the TCP protocol, detailed in RFC 7323, is dated in 2014. The TCP/IP suite lacks the features that enable the superior transmission speeds and hardened encryption security that now have to be standard for network environment.
Packets in the TCP/IP infrastructure still cause bottlenecks when there are long transmission times, requiring other packets to wait in line until the first in line has properly reached its destination. This does not make TCP/IP ideal for time-sensitive communications, such as those for real-time applications like video calling. Having to send massive-sized datasets containing extra-large amounts of data or files using TCP/IP is time consuming. TCP/IP is more suited for accurate delivery data that has to arrive to the receiver in perfect form rather than well-timed delivery.
Security is another area in which TCP/IP falls short. TCP/IP was designed primarily with usability, not security, in mind. As a result, there are inherent vulnerabilities of the TCP/IP protocol suite at each of its layers. Because there are no native security measures in the TCP/IP suite, enterprises have to use mechanisms like authentication and encryption to help ensure the data in the network is secure. Otherwise, malicious actors can use the vulnerabilities to gain access to networks and move laterally inside of those networks, causing substantial damage.
XSOC CORP’s EBP is a UDP-based data transmission protocol that can be used in various integration scenarios. EBP increases packet transmission efficiency by lowering the transmission rate in packet loss with its own packet-loss prevention mechanism, Proactive Flow Control (PFC) technology. With UDP and its own efficient sequencing, transmissions using EBP are 80 percent faster than those using TCP/IP.
Encryption security is an innate part of EBP’s design and function, as it was initially created to help secure transmissions in industrial environments in which the use of PKI or SSL certificates were infeasible. EBP’s 512-bit built-in encryption security is used to not only protect the headers of data transmission packets, but also the entirety of network data packets themselves. It provides a concrete level of encryption security that does not impair regular network transmission speeds.
Its SDK supports simple integration for almost any type of digital data transmission, allowing it to easily supplement application performance and data security.
No digital data, no matter its form, is safe without the proper security safeguards in place. As an encryption and cryptography solutions provider, XSOC CORP helps companies and organizations in all industries ensure that their digital assets can withstand cyber threats from malicious actors.
By incorporating the EBP protocol into an organizations business processes and leveraging its increased SPEED, EFFICIENCY, RELIABILITY & SECURITY (compared with general-purpose or even select specialized data transmission protocols) it delivers measurable and monetizable reductions in carrier costs, network latency, corporate cyber-risk, and IT maintenance while increasing productivity.
Contact us today to learn how our technologies can help your company meet its IT security goals.